ECN publication
Energietransitie in de gebouwde omgeving
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-2-2005
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--05-031 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
65 Download PDF  

With the ?SCOPE 2030? project VROM-DGW (Department of Housing, SpatialPlanning and Environment) wants to know what are the necessary steps to get going an energy transition in the built environment en which role it plays in that. There is chosen for three transition paths as technical extremes to reduce CO2-emission in the built environment:

1. Maximal insulation and minimal installations

2. Local production of renewable energy

3. Central produced renewable or climate neutral energy carriers.

ECN has calculated what CO2-reduction in 2030 with respect to 1990 is possible with the three transition paths en what are the costs. Also ECN describes the key changes that are necessary to realize the transition paths, the actors that play a role in that, and the attitude of the actors against the key changes.

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