ECN publication
State of the art of rotor blade buckling tools: Inventory of the Dutch BLADKNIK project
Lindenburg, C.; Winkel, G.D. de
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 31-8-2005
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--05-054 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
41 Download PDF  

Within the Dutch research project BLADKNIK buckling load prediction tools were developed for application to wind turbine rotor blade design. As basis for further investigations and validations within this project, Buckling load analyses were performed on existing rotor blade models. For many of these models experimental buckling loads are available. The goal for the BLADKNIK project is to implement the available tools in the wind turbine design package FOCUS. The buckling analyses reported here were performed as much as possible with FOCUS models of the rotor blades. For some of the blades that were analysed, special attention was paid to the modelling which is reported in detail, such that it reveals the (possible) weak points of building a blade model. The buckling tools that were used are those that remain after the former BUCKBLADE and STARION research projects, on which some modifications were performed in order to eliminate some well-known discrepancies or bugs. The general conclusion is that if serious attention is paid to building a blade model, that the predicted buckling loads match to some extent to the experimental buckling loads. For some rotor blades however, large discrepancies appear that are mainly due to the fact that non-uniform material distributions are used (panel methods) or that the pre-buckling deformation is not included (FINSTRIP). The result of these investigations are partly the basis for the detailed outset of further work within BLADKNIK.

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