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ECN publication
IIGO: intelligente internetsturing in de gebouwde omgeving; eindrapport van het project uitgevoerd in het Novem DEMOS-programma
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Energy in the Built Environment 1-9-2005
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--05-086 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
45 Download PDF  


Experiences with adapting an innovative, agent-algorithm based strategy for managing the thermal comfort in a utility building are described. A pre-emptive, forward-looking strategy based optimisation using the intelligent agent metaphor is used. In the IIGO-project, the SEBOS software system, a resultant from the SMART-project [SEBOS-FA, 2002], was extended and tested in one of Kropman?s buildings in Nijmegen.


The results for phase I of the IIGO-project are described in the mid-term report [IIGO,2004]. The results and an analysis of data collected in the second phase of the experiment are presented in this report.  Then, it gives an evaluation of the value of intelligent Internet technology in this setting. An evaluation of activities in phase II and III is described. The SEBOS-implementation uses the existing installation infrastructure, in the form of the process automation primitives of the building management system, as much as possible. Strategy modifications of central installation parts as well as local, user influenced, control algorithms are described. Special focus is given to the ways users may interact with the technology and the perception of users of the indoor climate in office locations. Although a large potential in terms of energy conservation and increased user comfort exists, there are some pittfalls and lessons to be learnt from IIGO.

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