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ECN publication
Historic analysis costs & revenues Dutch energy supply. Comparison to EU Member States
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 22-12-2006
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--06-011 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
39 Download PDF  

The present study covers a historic analysis of energy costs and energy revenues for the Dutch energy supply. Four perspectives (macro-economy, households, companies and Dutch government) are used to study the economic significance of the Dutch energy supply. Whenever possible a comparison has been made with six selected EU Member States (Belgium, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Sweden and Poland). The macroeconomic perspective shows a limited contribution of energy related activities in Dutch GDP, with a positive relation between oil price and GDP. The households perspective indicates that the energy share in the consumption has risen from 3.5% in 2001 to 4.2% in 2005. This is a result of increasing electricity and gas prices and higher taxes. The fact that the Netherlands is less dependent on the import of gas, is not expressed in the lowest price for gas in comparison to the other selected EU Member States. From the companies perspective it can be concluded that the Dutch companies are confronted with low gas prices, but high electricity prices. There is an imbalance between government revenues and government expenditures. Annual revenues are between € 12 billion and € 19 billion, while expenditures total € 1.4 billion. Due to the high oil price, the revenues from natural gas end up at a record level of € 9.7 billon in 2005. Finally, this study described the theoretical effects of a high oil price in the Netherlands. For households and companies prices for oil products, gas and electricity significantly rise. The macroeconomic effects are varied and are not associated with large negative economic growth figures in the Netherlands.

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