ECN publication
Public and private energy RTD expenditures in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. A pilot study on behalf of SenterNovem based on an IEA format
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 28-6-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--07-035 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
80 Download PDF  

This study aims to present a broad view of energy RTD expenditures of Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, in the public domain and by private enterprises. Data is provided as much as possible by disaggregating into a format of the IEA (IEA code). IEA data serve as the starting point for data collection. The main task is to fill in the gaps in the database, viz.: • Completing the IEA database for Belgium with regard to public energy RTD. • Starting with a database of public energy RTD for Luxembourg. • Collecting, retrieving, and analysing private energy RTD data for the Netherlands. The latter data, based on a ‘bottom-up’ approach, are compared to recent data of SenterNovem based on an R&D subsidy scheme in the Netherlands. The private energy RTD expenditures from both sources (the bottom-up approach in this study and the data of SenterNovem) are combined to one database of private energy RTD that may be used for, e.g., the IEA.

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