ECN publication
Examples for the enhancement of societal acceptance in sustainable energy projects on islands and in small communities
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 28-11-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--07-059 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
48 Download PDF  

The Dutch island of Texel aims to have a completely sustainable energy system in the year 2030. To achieve this transition multiple projects must be undertaken. A critical issue is to pro-mote societal acceptance of individual projects as well as the whole transition by all relevant stakeholders. Participation is one promising instrument in promoting societal acceptance. In this research, three steps are taken to decide which actions should be taken to promote societal ac-ceptance. First, a literature research on participation is carried out to determine the various forms in which participation can be realized. Second, best practices on islands and small com-munities are investigated regarding the societal acceptance of a transition towards a (partly or completely) renewable community and the social and economic benefits of such a transition. Third, a variety of renewable energy projects are analyzed in which various forms of participa-tion were applied. The main conclusion of the research is that participation can certainly pro-mote societal acceptance of a transition towards a sustainable energy system in Texel, and in particular if it enables participants to profit from or learn about social and economic benefits.

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