ECN publication
Real-time Process Simulator of Wind Turbine Control Systems
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 24-1-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--07-046 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
172 Download PDF  

The development of a real-time simulator for a complete wind turbine system has been carried out for the evaluation of the overall control system. The real-time simulator software has been developed in Matlab/Simulink and supports automated real-time compilation (Real Time Workshop) to a real-time code for use at a hardware platform (dSpace, xPC-target)> The following program modules were developed and implemented: • efficient integrated linear structural models for the rotor, drive-train and support structure in a working point range; • an interpolation method between these models has been derived; • non-linear aerodynamic (BEM) and hydrodynamic (Morison) conversion models; • a blade effective windspeed model, which account for the rotational sampling of spatial turbulence, for tower shadow and wind shear, and for oblique inflow; • a wave generation model (Airy) in order to cope with offshore situations; • an electric system model in a rotating reference frame (Park) consisting of a doubly fed induction generator, converter, transformer and cabling. • quasi-steady and easy to parametrise models for turbine specific peripheral devices like pumps, motors, valves, brakes, heat exchangers. • models of peripheral devices which comprise discontinuous behaviour such as switching and Coulomb friction. • generic models for the thermic behaviour of the heat generating systems like gearbox, brake and generator. These subsystem models were integrated in an overall Simulink scheme for time-domain simulation and compilation to real-time code.

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