ECN publication
Resultaten van de metingen aan verwaaiend wegenstof langs de A50
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental Research 7-1-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--07-091 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
19 Download PDF  

This report presents downwind measurements of fugitive dust from a busy motorway (A50) south of Apeldoorn. The results of these measurements were used as a tool to establish the capability of the - so called - Twister of Dura Vermeer, to reduce the amount of potential fugitive dust often present on non-cleaned stretches of the motorway. This device has as aim to twist the air near the surface of the road and leads the dust laden air through a filter compartment that is implemented in the device. The analyzing method comprehends the measurement at two locations downwind of the motorway with two similar instruments (one at a non-cleaned stretch of the motorway) and comparison of the gathered data at the two locations on hourly basis. The results in this report give the effectiveness of the Twister when the method is applied under the specific circumstances the experiments took place.

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