ECN publication
Effecten en kosten van duurzame innovatie in het wegverkeer; Een verkenning voor het programma 'De auto van de toekomst gaat rijden'
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 18-3-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--07-106 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
83 Download PDF  

The Dutch government has set ambitious targets for greenhouse gas emission reduction by 2020. Therefore, it aims at accelerating the market penetration of innovative technologies for sustainable mobility. This report presents results of two innovation-scenarios in terms of their impacts on energy use and CO2 emissions of technical innovations in drive trains and alternative fuels in the Dutch road transport sector. The options considered are (plug-in) hybrids, efficient tyres, intelligent transport systems, biofuels, CNG and hydrogen. Emission reductions and costs are presented for the years 2020 and 2030. The report concludes that technical innovations in drive trains and alternative fuels can achieve substantial CO2 emission reductions in the Dutch road transport sector. Furthermore, as the large scale market penetration of new vehicle types takes several decades, early action is necessary, but needs to be coupled to a long-term strategy with clear priorities. It also requires a balancing of different policy objectives, such as CO2 emissions reduction, energy savings, air quality and reduction of the dependency on imported oil.

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