ECN publication
Fijn stof in Noord-Brabant: Reconstructie en het effect op de concentraties
Bleeker, A.; Kraai, A.; Aarnink, A.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental Research 3-3-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--08-010 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
51 Download PDF  

This research was commissioned by the province of North-Brabant. Aim was to get insight in the situation in the province with respect to the emission and concentration of particulate matter (PM10). More specific, the following questions where answered: • what is the actual background concentration of PM10 in Brabant (due to different sources); • what is the extent of the PM10 emission in Brabant; • what is the contribution of PM10 emissions in Brabant to the background concentration; • what are the exceedances of air quality target values in Brabant; • what are possible solutions for dealing with these exceedances. Special focus during this research was on the contribution of the intensive animal breeding sec-tor on the PM10 concentrations. Calculation of the emission and concentration for this sector was based on available local information about individual animal farms.

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