ECN publication
Energiebesparing in datahotels; Meer met minder
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Energy in the Built Environment 22-2-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--08-019 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
47 Download PDF  

During the past decade in the Netherlands, the increasing traffic of digital data resulted in the Information and Communication (ICT) branch becoming one of the most intensive energy sectors. This report presents possibilities for energy use reduction in the ICT-branch. A method to judge the energy efficiency of an ICT company (datahotel) is presented. Also presented is an overview of effectiveness of different technical concepts and energy saving measures on energy efficiency. The technical concepts and energy saving measures are explained and, if possible, pay-back periods are indicated. It is envisaged that local government together with the ICT-branch may use findings in this report aiming to reduce energy consumption. There is a lot of technology available to reduce the energy demand of the ICT-branch. An important condition to improve the energy efficiency is to prevent mixing of cooled air with heated air in computer rooms to allow a higher cooled air temperature. This prevents unnecessary running time for compression cooling. A suitable indicator that can be used to judge the energy efficiency of an ICT company (datahotel) is the so called Energy Usage Effectiveness (EUE). This indicator is the quotient of total annual energy use and annual energy use of the ICT equipment (core business). Early adapters in the ICT branch already demonstrated that a EUE of 1.1 is feasible. For existing ICT companies (datahotels) a EUE of maximum 1.4 is achievable with available technologies. New ICT companies (datahotels) can use modern technologies, resulting in a feasible EUE of maximum 1.3.

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