ECN publication
Nederland exportland elektriciteit? Effecten van actuele nieuwbouwplannen en Schoon & Zuinig
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 3-7-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--08-026 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
39 Download PDF  

This report explores part of the effects of the Dutch Climate Programme ‘Clean and Efficient - Opportunities for Tomorrow’ on the emissions of air pollutants, as included in the National Emissions Ceilings. The starting point for the analysis is the ex ante evaluation of Clean and Efficient as published in September 2007. Specifically for the Netherlands, the role of the power generation sector is important. For the near future (up to 2015), about 11 to 15 GW of new fossil generation capacity is being planned. In combination with the Clean and Efficient Programme, this will have a large impact on the resulting national emissions of air pollutants. Strong climate policies and high CO2 prices are likely to result in a lower electricity demand than the original reference projection (the Global Economy High Oil Price scenario). In addition, more renewable electricity generation and more cogeneration are expected. These changes are likely to improve the international competitiveness of the Dutch electricity generation. As a result, electricity exports rise and part of the emission reductions materialize outside the Netherlands, rather than within its borders.

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