ECN publication
Deliverable 5 of Create Acceptance: ESTEEM manual
Jolivet, E.; Mourik, R.; Raven, R.P.J.M.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Alcantud Torrent, A.; Heiskanen, E.; Hodson, M.; Brohmann, B.; Oniszk-Poplawska, A.; Difiore, M.; Fritsche, U.R.; Fucskó, J.; Maack, M.H.; Poti, B.M.; Prasad, G.; Schaefer, B.; Hünecke, K.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 29-5-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--08-031 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
70 Download PDF  

The ESTEEM tool is one of the outcomes of Create Acceptance. ESTEEM (Engage stake-holders through a systematic toolbox to manage new energy projects) is a six step tool which is performed by a consultant in close cooperation with the project manager of a new energy pro-ject. The focus of the tool is put on the early recognition and discussion of stakeholders expecta-tions and the integration of these in the design of the project. ESTEEM, including background information is freely available via

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