ECN publication
Deliverable 10 of Create AcceptanceReport on the use of the ESTEEM tool and recommendations for improvements
Brohmann, B.; Fritsche, U.R.; Alcantud Torrent, A.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Fucskó, J.; Jolivet, E.; Heiskanen, E.; Hodson, M.; Maack, M.H.; Mourik, R.; Poti, B.M.; Oniszk-Poplawska, A.; Prasad, G.; Raven, R.P.J.M.; Schaefer, B.; Hünecke, K.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 29-5-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--08-032 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
168 Download PDF  

The six steps of the ESTEEM tool have been tested and evaluated in five demonstration projects in Europe and one in South Africa: a wind project in Hungary, a biomass project in Germany, a hydrogen project on Iceland, a CCS project in the Netherlands, a solar project in Italy and a so-lar project in South Africa. All the experiences and recommendations made by the consultants in these demonstration projects have been reported and integrated in the final version of the ESTEEM tool, available via

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