ECN publication
Evaluation of a Horizontal Approach to Assess the Possible Release of Dangerous Substances from Construction Products in Support of Requirements from the Construction Products Directive
Sloot, H.A. van der; Dijkstra, J.J.; Hjelmar, O.; Spanka, G.; Bluyssen, P.; Giselsson, S.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental Research 3-12-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--08-089 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
221 Download PDF  

This report gives recommendations on the development of horizontal testing procedures for the release or content of dangerous substances from construction products. The target groups of the recommendations are the working groups and task groups of CEN/TC 351 “Construction products: assessment of the release of dangerous substances”. The report describes a transparent horizontal approach, which can be used for all types of substances and construction products deemed relevant under the essential requirement nr. 3 “Hygiene, health and the environment” of the Construction Products Directive (89/106EEC). To assess the feasibility of a common horizontal approach the report investigates in general terms the range of construction products covered by the “Construction Products Directive” (CPD), their intended uses, the state of the art of the relevant test procedures, and makes proposals on how to fit this knowledge into a testing structure. This report focuses on release of regulated dangerous substances to soil, surface water and groundwater and emission of regulated dangerous substances into indoor air. ? Based on technical and practical grounds and on consultation of the construction sector, it is concluded that a horizontal approach for testing release of substances from construction products to soil, surface water and groundwater, as well as to indoor air, is possible. Based on these results this report recommends a limited amount of “horizontal” methods to test construction products with respect to dangerous substances, and makes a large number of recommendations concerning the horizontal approach, grouped according to the main questions from the mandate M/366 from the European Commission under which this work was carried out. This report is intended to be published as a CEN Technical Report.

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