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ECN publication
Het financieren van energiebesparing in woningen.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 13-7-2009
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--09-034 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
49 Download PDF  

This report focuses on existing and possible future ways for (individual) private homeowners of existing dwellings to finance energy saving measures. The aim is to provide an overview of relevant policy measures from the public sector and financing options offered by the private sector. To create a background on the average investments needed for these measures, costs and payback times of standard energy saving measures were calculated. Calculations on costs and payback times show that there is a large spread in investment costs of ‘stan-dard’ energy savings measures taken in standard situations. For single-family dwellings and older dwellings in general, the investment costs required are relatively high. However, payback times are relatively low, implicating that despite higher costs energy savings can particularly be beneficial for owners of these dwelling types. Sensitivity analysis shows that homeowners should take energy saving measures on a natural moment, since investments costs will probably be much higher at any other moment. The overview of government policies and financing options leads to the conclusion that although central government has subsidies available for sustainable options, these are lacking for stan-dard energy saving measures like insulation or energy efficient boilers. Regarding financing there are several options available, provided by the government and by commercial parties. Sustainable loans from an ‘energy savings fund’ to be set up by the government in 2009, seem to be the most attractive financing option. Also several commercial parties offer financing (or financing services), which can be expected to grow in number. However, additional policy measures like fiscal measures seem inevitable, if the government wants to more effectively stimulate energy savings to reach the goals on energy savings in the built environment.

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