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ECN publication
Praktijkproef Fijn Stof
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental Research 13-11-2009
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--09-038 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
43 Download PDF  

This research was commissioned by the provinces of North-Brabant and Gelderland. Aim of the study was to study the local situation with respect to particulate matter concentrations for some specific locations within the provinces. More in particular, the following items were investigated:
• Cumulation of concentrations on a local scale; to what extend does this contribute to the number of exceedance situations
• What is the influence of the proposed screenings methodology for the number of exceedance situations within the study areas
• What is effect of future developments within the study areas on the number of exceedance situations

The study areas used in this research are: Barneveld in the province of Gelderland and Elsendorp / Chijnsgoed in the province of North-Brabant. Specific data was collected, high resolution calculations were performed. Based on that, answers to the above mentioned questions were given.

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