ECN publication
TorTech: Torrefaction as key Technology for the production of (solid) fuels from biomass and waste
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental Research 8-7-2011
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--11-039 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
82 Download PDF  

Biomass is expected to play a major role in the transition to sustainable energy production. However, biomass is a difficult fuel and most thermal conversion processes have very stringent fuel specifications. Torrefaction offers the potential to convert biomass into attractive solid biofuels. It involves heating in the absence of oxygen to a temperature of 200 to 300 °C. As a result, biomass becomes easy to grind and water resistant, reducing the risk of spontaneous biological degradation and heating, and permitting outdoor storage. By combining torrefaction with pelletisation, biomass is converted into a high-energy-density solid bioenergy carrier with superior properties in view of (long-distance) transport, handling and storage, and in many major end-use applications (e.g., co-firing in coal-fired power stations and gasification-based biofuels and biochemicals production).

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