ECN publication
EED besparingsbeleid voor gebouwen in andere EU landen
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 13-8-2013
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--13-040 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
68 Download PDF  

On request of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ECN has performed a study on energy savings policy in other EU countries in the field of the built environment. The focus is on the implementation of policies in relation the directives ESD and EED. The study consists of a broad inventory for most EU countries and an in-depth analysis for five selected countries: Germany, UK, Finland, Ireland and France. Conclusions are drawn on specific subjects, such as savings for the ESD, target setting and the contribution of the Built Environment, markets for energy efficiency services and concrete policies for owners of dwellings, how policy addresses the split incentive for rented dwellings, and policies for the Service sectors. Lessons learned for the Netherlands, from the results for the five countries, are presented, such as on financing, general problems with participation of energy users and new types of policy that could be applied.

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