ECN publication
Scenarios for energy carriers in the transport sector
Cuelenaere, R.; Koornneef, G.P.; Smokers, R.; Essen, H. van; Grinsven, A. van; Hoen, M. 't; Londo, H.M.; Zuijlen, C.L. van; Wilde, H.P.J. de; Usmani, O.A.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 18-2-2014
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--13-067 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
127 Download PDF  

Earlier this year our Cabinet together with more than forty organizations have endorsed an Energy Agreement for sustainable growth. The core feature of the Agreement is a set of broadly supported provisions regarding energy saving, clean technology, and climate policy. Implementing these provisions is intended to result in an affordable and clean energy supply, jobs, and opportunities for the Netherlands in the market for clean technologies. The Energy Agreement focuses on energy efficiency as a basis for strengthening competitiveness. There are 10 basic components to the Agreement of which mobility and transport is one. Each component in turn comprises several actions. One of the major actions in mobility and transport is the formulation of an integrated long term vision for a sustainable fuel mix for transport (2050). The Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment facilitates this action and is responsible with all relevant stakeholders in this field to report the results to the SER Commission before the end of 2014.

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