ECN publication
Verkenning van biomassamarkten en hernieuwbare-energiebeleid
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 4-6-2014
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--14-019 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
55 Download PDF  

As the production of renewable energy from biomass increases in the Netherlands, so does the interaction between renewable energy policy and biomass markets. The national Energy Agreement will lead to an increase in demand for domestic biomass. Some sectors, notably the ones that use domestic wood and digestible residues from agriculture and the food and beverages industry, witness or will witness a significant shift in biomass commitment towards energy purposes. The renewable energy policy will not directly hamper the development of a biobased economy, but a lock-in towards high-temperature conversion technologies may develop. If so, the renewable energy policy can direct the biobased economy towards a specific technological direction, with fewer opportunities for innovation using low temperature conversion technologies.

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