ECN publication
LMI-based Robust LPV Control of Wind Turbines: Literature Review and Problem Statement
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 30-10-2014
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--14-036 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
41 Download PDF  

Wind power has proven to be one of the most versatile forms of renewable energy. In a similar fashion, offshore wind is emerging as the most promising method of addressing the increased power production requirements, given the massive potential of wind at sea. The Dutch consortium for innovation in offshore wind energy TKI Wind op Zee performs active research with the main goal of allowing higher penetration of offshore wind power. D4REL (Design for Reliable Power Performance) is one such research project which, within the consortium, is coordinated by the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN). Within D4REL, ECN works in close cooperation with TU Delft and have established a definite goal of developing novel control tools for the reduction of uncertainty in the design and operation of offshore wind farms. Offshore wind turbines are subject to large variations in terms of their physical parameters. Aerodynamic performance can change dramatically based on weather conditions and the passage of time. Modal characteristics for bottom-supported structures experience considerable variations due to environmental conditions such as rise and fall of sea levels, formation of ice around the turbine tower and scour. Control systems designed only based on an ideal fixed-parameter model will, therefore, perform suboptimally in such situations. In this literature review attention is first given to introducing the practicalities associated with the mentioned problem into a model structure. A framework for the robust and linear parameter-varying control theory is then established. Up-to-date efforts in wind turbine control are described in strict relation to the goals of the D4REL project. Subsequently, a new control problem is formulated and a research direction towards addressing it is proposed.

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