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ECN publication
Economic analysis of HRS network build-up in the Netherlands
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 30-11-2015
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--15-067 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
27 Download PDF  

This study evaluates the economics of a network of hydrogen refuelling stations in the Netherlands. Ambitions for deployment of fuel cell cars for the period 2017-2030, as defined within the framework of the national ‘Visions on Sustainable Fuels’ project and the European TEN-T ‘Hydrogen Infrastructure for Transport’ project, have served as starting point for the evaluation. A hydrogen station network has been evaluated, resulting from installation of discrete station sizes determined in accordance with an assumed maximum level of utilisation for the growing network. The initial network is built up in four year and comprises 20 stations. This network gradually grows to approximately 200 stations in 2030, which is considered sufficient for nationwide coverage. Results indicate a significant financial gap that need to be bridged by involved stakeholders. In addition to the size of the investment costs, the financial gap of the hydrogen stations is strongly influenced by the cost of hydrogen production and the level of excise duty on hydrogen, on the one hand, and the maximum sales price of hydrogen based on the benchmark case (e.g. diesel cars complying to 95 gCO2/km), on the other hand. These factors determine the available price margin for covering of operations and maintenance costs and capital costs, and for recovery of investment costs.

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