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ECN publication
Inzet geavanceerde ECN Biomassa-conversietechnologieën voor Nederlandse VGI reststromen : eindrapport NECST-project 249.402-0260
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-12-2001
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--01-119 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
46 Download PDF  

This report describes the possibilities for using advanced biomass conversion processes that are currently under development at the Energy Research Center of the Netherlands (ECN) for utilizing residues of the Dutch food industry for energy purposes. These advanced processes are compared with the more conventional processes combustion and digestion.Large amounts of residues of organic origin are produced annually in the Dutch food industry. Until now, little is known about the possibility to use these materials for the production of energy. The fraction of residues that is currently available for energy production is limited. Most of the produced residues is used as cattle fodder and is thus not available. The main factor that influences the availability of residues for energy purposes, is the legislation in the field of environment and public health. Two kinds of residues are selected for further investigation, based on their availability and low moisture content to make them suitable for gasification technology. The selected residues are meat and bone meal (MBM) and used oils and fats. The conclusion is that the only ECN technology available within a few years, is the BIVKIN gasification technology. This technology is most probably also suitable for the conversion of MBM, oils/fats and other dry residues for energy purposes, but the use is limited due to a minimum scale that is required of approximately 5 MW thermal input. Combustion can also be an interesting option for most dry residues, depending of the availability and needs. For wet residues the technologies digestion (commercial), HTU or supercritical gasifïcation (under development) are more suitable.

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