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ECN publication
Energie- en CO2-potentiëlen binnen het EBIT-programma
Groot, A.T.J.; Kroon, P.; Quispel, M.; Visser, J.A.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-4-2003
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--03-048 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
86 Download PDF  

ECN Policy Studies of the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands(ECN) and NEA transport research and education have carried out a study for Novem in which the potential energy and CO2 reduction effects of implementing policies under research in the EBIT 2002 programme are calculated. The goal of the Novem program Energy Savings in Transport (EBIT) is to reach en-ergy savings, reduction in CO2 emissions and reduction in transport demand through a more sustainable fulfilment of transport and mobility demand. EBIT investigates new policy direc-tions and instruments.

Thirteen possible policies of the EBIT programme in the field of spatial development, mobility and goods transport and mobility and passenger transport are evaluated. First, the size of the transport flow relevant for the policy is determined. Secondly, the potential effect of the policy on this transport flow is estimated. Finally, the effect is translated into energy consumption and CO2-emissions. For each policy a fact sheet was made.

The total potential effect of policies studied in the EBIT 2002 programme is 70 PJ (corrected for some overlap) and 5,0 Mton CO2. This constitutes about 20% of the estimated energy consump-tion and emissions of the sector in 2010. About 27% of the EBIT effect is related to the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for the implementation of road pricing. Fleet management in goods transport is second best with 17%. This includes advanced travel plan-ning, mobile communication systems, tracking and tracing but also information about the spe-cific fuel consumption transferred to the transport company (and the driver?s boss).

Other options exceeding 5% are passenger traffic management on a regional scale; slowing down the driving speed with fewer stops in cities (potential is uncertain); working at home or at a nearby office; dynamic road management (e.g. providing actual information to drivers to avoid congestion); transport co-operation between different and sometimes competitive firms e.g. by the bundling of good transportation flows by choice of the location of industry and trade; more bicycling and public transport in social and recreational traffic (especially shopping).

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