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ECN publication
Energie-aanbod en CO2-reductie in 2010/2015. Evaluatie van opties ten behoeve van de Vervolgnota Energiebesparing.
Hilten, O. van
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1994
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--94-023 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
147 Download PDF  

CO2 reduction is an important goal of current Dutch energy and environmental policy. One way to reduce CO2 emissions is to use generating technologies that give a low CO2 emission. This study evaluates about 45 energy generating technologies with regard to their costs and their possible contribution to the reduction of Dutch CO2 emissions in the years 2010-2015. Among these 45 technologies are a number of renewable energy options (wind energy, electricity and transportation fuels from biomass, photovoltaics, solar hearing, heat pumps, geothermal heat), a number of CO2 removal and -storage options (in industry and in the electricity sector; storage in depleted natural gas fields), and some hydrogen options. Furthermore, extended use of cogeneration with conventional technologies and with fuel cells is considered, as well as a fuel switch in the electricity sector from coal to natural gas or nuclear energy. All technologies are evaluated against the background of four economic and energy scenarios which are used by the Dutch government to formulate its energy and environmental policy. In order to assess the combined potential of several options and to clarify the relations between options, three packages of options are composed. Fina]ly, the consequences of applying these CO2 reduction technologies for the emissions of SO2 and NOx are studied.

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