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ECN publication
Acoustic noise measurements on wind turbines: carried out in theframework of JOULE programme (contract nr. JOU2-CT92-0124) [ECN-C- -94-109]
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1995
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--94-109 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
50 Download PDF  

The individual differences in the acoustic properties of nominallyidentical wind turbines have been quantified by measurements on two series of five turbines of equal make and model. The results show that the differences in the sound power levels of nominally identical wind turbines are characterised by a standard deviation of 1.1 to 1.3 dB. The differences in tonality show that the result of a tonality assessment on a turbine give no reliable information on the tonality of another turbine of the same series. The reproducibility of the measured properties of a turbine has been quantified by five repeated measurements on one turbine in a period of 5 months. The variations in the measured sound power levels, due to the combination of the instability of the turbine and the uncertainty in the measurements, is characterised by a standard deviation of 0.3 dB. The measurements showed that the tonality of the turbine is not stable in time. 30 figs., 2 tabs., 1 ref.

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