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ECN publication
Onderzoek naar de rol van aerosolen van antropogene herkomst opde stralingshuishouding van de atmosfeer: stofdeeltjes compenseren het broeikaseffect
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1995
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--95-098 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
22 Download PDF  

For the first time in Europe the title subject is studied. The aerosoleffect is subdivided into the direct and indirect effect. The direct effect is the reflection of sunlight by anthropogenic aerosols, and the indirect effect concerns the impact of anthropogenic aerosols on clouds. In the technical report, of which this report is a summary, those two effects and the uncertainties in the results are discussed in detail. Also attention is paid to the results of the policy-oriented analysis, carried out by ECN. In a separate report (the Technical Appendix) 7 reports, published as part of the ECN-project, are presented. The titles of the reports are: (1) Aerosol from fossil fuel combustion; (2) Aerosol light-scattering in the Netherlands; (3) Nephelometer-derived and measured optical depth; (4) Trend-analysis of sulphate aerosol in Europe; (5) Reduction of solar radiation by manmade aerosol in Europe; (6) A high-flow turbulent cloud chamber; (7) Activation properties of ambient aerosol in the Netherlands. 3 figs., 1 appendix

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