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ECN publication
Co-gasification of coal and biomass waste in entrained-flow gasifiers: phase 1: preliminary study
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-4-1997
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--97-021 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
71 Download PDF  

The use of coal, for large scale power production, leads to a growingenvironmental concern. Co-gasification of coal with biomass waste materials is an interesting intermediate technology to bridge present power production processes based on fossil fuels, and future desired processes based on renewable energy sources. Further, co-gasification ensures that coal utilisation can be maintained on a sustainable basis, and it improves the eco-acceptability of coalfired power production. The main objective of this preliminary study, which is part 1 of a total study consisting of two separate parts, is to investigate the technical feasibility of co-gasification of coal and biomass waste materials in IGCC plants, based on entrained-flow gasification, for large scale power production. The results of part 2, which consists of the experimental screening of selected biomass fuels concerning their behaviour at entrained-flow gasification conditions, will be published in a separate report. To answer to the objective of this study a number of tasks have been formulated, of which the results are presented in this report. These results are: an inventory of commercially available entrained-flow based IGCC processes, an inventory of Dutch biomass waste materials available for power production, an overview of experiences gained already with the co-gasification of biomass materials, an overview of adaptations that have to be made to commercial available entrained flow based IGCC processes so that they can be used for co-gasification, and some advanced IGCC processes that can be used for co-gasification purposes by which is indicated which measures have to be taken and/or research has to be performed to solve current bottle-necks. On the basis of the information gathered in this study, it became known that a lot of experimental work still has to be performed to solve process bottle-necks, and to get a better understanding of the (co-)gasification behaviour of biomass waste materials under entrained-flow conditions. For the co-gasification of coal with a variety of biomass waste materials, wet feeding system based 'fully' integrated IGCC processes seem to be preferable on the first sight, over dry feeding system based IGCC processes. To confirm this hypothesis, technical, economic, and environmental assessment studies have to be performed. The experimental screening of selected biomass fuels, in the second part of this study, will be limited to dry feeding system based entrained-flow gasification processes, because the results of these experiments could be of direct importance for the Shell-based coal-fired IGCC demonstration plant of Demkolec in Buggenum, Netherlands. 43 refs.

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