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ECN publication
Monitoring van zes AC-modules op het ECN-testveld te Petten: evaluatieperiode november 1997 - februari 1998
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-9-1998
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--98-070 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
33 Download PDF  

September 1995 the monitoring of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) powersupplies started at the test field of the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN) in Petten, Netherlands. The results of the monitoring of the stand-alone PV-system, composed of six AC-modules, are presented. The capacity of the system is circa 600 Wp. The applied OK4E-100 inverters are developed by OKE-services in Eindhoven, Netherlands, and produced by NKF Kabel in Delft, Netherlands. Each of the inverters is mounted on the back of a SSE RSM-95 module of Shell Solar Energy in Helmond, Netherlands. The system is in operation since mid-October 1997. In the evaluation period of 1 November 1997 - 9 January 1998 all systems functioned properly. No failure o occurred and the maximum power point tracking also functioned correct. Based on measured radiation data from a monitoring campaign in Zandvoort, Netherlands, the annual energy yield per AC-module was estimated. For an annual radiation energy in the array area of 1087 kWh/m2 an annual yield of circa 84 kWh was predicted for a roof-integrated system with AC-modules. The yield factor for one year is estimated at 0.79. The realized average inverter efficiency equals 91%. 6 refs.

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