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ECN publication
Integrated evaluation of energy conservation: national report for the Netherlands
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--99-005 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
141 Download PDF  

The main objective of the study was to provide insight in the drivingforces for energy conservation and their relation with conservation policy instruments and to investigate the present and future situation regarding energy conservation in different countries in terms of differences and common challenges. For seven European countries, case studies have been conducted using a new integrated conservation model Reduce. This is a dynamic energy conservation model that calculates market penetration of energy conservation options based on the evaluation of costs and benefits of conservation policy instruments. The model takes into account economic, social and behavioural aspects of penetration of energy conservation technology in different market niches and the effects of policy measures upon the penetration. Competition and interaction of options is endogenous in the model. Finally, the resulting (saving of) energy end-use is calculated. With this approach, an exploration of strategies for the application of policy instruments is conducted. This national report presents the results for the Netherlands. Chapter 3 'National energy context' reviews the present situation regarding energy consumption. Chapter 4 'National policies and instruments' describes the present energy conservation policies. Recent national energy conservation studies are described in Chapter 5 'National energy conservation studies'. Furthermore, the national case study is described in terms of methodology (Chapter 6), assumptions (Chapter 7) and results (Chapter 8 for households and Chapter 9 for manufacturing). 45 refs.

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