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ECN publication
Gedrag en huishoudelijk elektriciteitsverbruik: kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve analyse 1980-1997
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-9-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--99-057 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
47 Download PDF  

The results of an analysis of residential electricity use are presentedfor the period 1980-1997, as a contribution to the annual publication on the state of the environment by RIVM. The development of total electricity use is described here as the result of changes in so-called appliance-factors: penetration level, capacity/functionality, operation hours and technical efficiency improvement. These changes are caused by daily behaviour, buying decisions or restrictions which influence electricity use indirectly. On the basis of literature and surveys a great number of concrete behavioural patterns is presented, categorised along the three types of behaviour and coupled to the four appliance-factors. Next, the development of the appliance-factors for each appliance is quantified using the information gathered. In a spreadsheet the electricity use by appliance, by energy function and by household is calculated and fitted to known electricity use data. By calculating electricity use without the changes in tbc appliance factors, results are obtained with respect to the specific contribution of higher penetration levels, intensified use, better appliance services, and more efficient appliances. Finally, these results have been translated into a total efficiency-effect (technical and behavioural) and a total comfort-effect (penetration and other) to comply with the presentation format in the RIVM-publication. 25 refs.

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