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ECN publication
Technology options and effective policies to reduce GHG emissions and improve security of supply. Final report CASCADE MINTS Part 2
Uyterlinde, M.A.; Martinus, G.H.; Rösler, H.; Kouvaritakis, N.; Mantzos, L.; Panos, V.; Zeka-Paschou, M.; Keppo, I.; Szabó, L.; Russ, P.; Suwala, W.; Kypreos, S.; Jokisch, S.; Blesl, M.; Ellersdorfer, I.; Zürn, M. ; Fahl, U.; Pratlong, F.; Le Mouel, P.; Sano, F.; Akimoto, K.; Homma, T.; Tomoda, T.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 4-5-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--06-054 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
79 Download PDF  

A more sustainable energy system requires a portfolio of innovative technological options. The problems faced by Europe and the world are of a magnitude for which no single technology is the solution. Some of the options benefit both the climate problem and security of supply, and thus provide synergies, while others represent trade-offs for the policymaker. This report presents results of Part 2 of the CASCADE MINTS project. In this project, 15 renowned modelling teams in Europe, the US and Japan have provided an outlook to possible transitions of the energy system in Europe and at the global level. The objective of this project was to use a wide range of existing operational energy and energy/economy models in order to build analytical consensus concerning the impacts of policies aimed at sustainable energy systems. The empha-sis is placed on evaluating the effects of policies influencing technological developments. Tech-nologies assessed are renewables, nuclear power, CO2 capture and storage and hydrogen. There are synergies and trade-offs when applying these options for the main policy objectives of climate change mitigation and improving security of supply. This report provides a synthesis of the various policy briefs that were written for each of the individual transition pathways.

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