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ECN publication
Instrumenten voor energiebesparing. Instrumenteerbaarheid van 2% besparing per jaar
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 13-12-2006
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--06-057 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
40 Download PDF  

This study was commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in order to address the parliament’s will to investigate policies and measures in order to improve energy efficiency. The analysis is targeted at increasing the annual energy efficiency improvement in the Netherlands from 1% to 2%. It shows that the following policies and measures are necessary to achieve 2%. Regulation has been defined for improving energy efficiency in dwellings and commercial buildings, to be implemented when ownership changes. EU regulation is required for appliances, office equipment and cars, delivery vans and efficient tires. Financial incentives are added for the purchase of efficient cars, the reduction of mileage and for intra-European air transport. Taxation is suggested for industry, the energy sector and horticulture, where less efficient plants have to pay and efficient ones benefit. Total costs for the Dutch economy amount to € 3.5 billion annually. Implementing the proposed policy packages will require a considerable effort of governments, citizens and companies to overcome societal barriers. In many cases, introduction of the necessary policies and measures depends on European legislation.

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