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ECN publication
Validation of dynamic models of wind farms (Erao-3). Executive summary, benchmark results and model improvements
Pierik, J.T.G.; Morren, J.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 22-1-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--07-006 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
124 Download PDF  

This report gives an overview of the objectives and methods, as well as the results and conclusions of the project "Verificatie dynamische modellen van windparken (Erao-3)". Three validation exercises have been executed: • the first validation compares models of different project partners with regard to a voltage dip in a hypothetical benchmark system; • the second validates the Constant Speed Stall wind farm model using measurements on the Alsvik wind farm; • the third validates the Variable Speed Pitch model using measurements on the JWT wind turbine. The Constant Speed Stall and Variable Speed Pitch validations are reported separately [16, 17]. Model improvements are documented in chapters 3 and 4. Appendix B gives an overview of IEA Annex XXI. The conference and journal papers prepared or contributed to in the Erao-3 project are included in appendix C. The three validation exercises showed different levels of success. The results of the first validation showed only minor deviations from the results of others and these could be explained by small differences between the models. In the second validation, detailed turbine data was available and the model predictions were quite accurate. In the third validation the similarity between measurements and simulations was limited. The unavailability of detailed data on the system used for this validation played an important role with regard to the accuracy. To increase confidence in the dynamic wind turbine and wind farm models, additional validation work is still required. This report is a contribution to IEA Annex XXI: Dynamic models of Wind Farms for Power System studies.

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