Deliverable 1 of Create Acceptance: Manual on the Socrobust tool and recent experiences with using Socrobust
Poti, B.M.; Mourik, R.; Raven, R.P.J.M.; Jolivet, E.; Alcantud Torrent, A.; Bauknecht, D.; Brohmann, B.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Fritsche, U.R.; Fucskó, J.; Heiskanen, E.; Hodson, M.; Maack, M.H.; Oniszk-Poplawska, A.; Schaefer, B.
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Policy Studies
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This first task entailed familiarising the consortium with the original Socrobust tool. The project Socrobust incorporated twenty years of Science and Technology Studies literature into a reflexive method for anticipating future stakeholders reactions to innovation by making explicit the
innovator’s assumptions build into the design of an innovation. The method needed to be flexible to adapt to a variety of situation and be useful for managers. A standard (consultancy) process was developed, composed by a toolkit and a protocol for interaction with managers. The Socrobust tool consists of four steps with each different tools. The original Socrobust is a method of assessment based on one stakeholder in the relevant position
of managing an innovation project. It was aimed at reflection and learning and less aimed at action and implementation. The WP1 report is an introduction to the original Socrobust toolkit and a critical review of its suitability to measure, promote and support social acceptance of innovative
RES and RUE technologies. In general it can be stated that the existing steps and most of the instruments of the original Socrobust toolkit can be maintained, but that additions and small alterations need to be made if the tool is to function as a tool that assists multiple relevant stakeholders simultaneously instead of only the direct developers or innovators. In addition, the Socrobust instruments need additions and alterations to function as a toolkit that can measure societal robustness and create a platform to involve relevant stakeholders in the process of developing
a socially robust product. The above briefly discussed results and recommendations are the starting point for the consortium’s efforts in WP3, where Socrobust will be developed into a new toolkit and methodology for Create Acceptance.
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