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ECN publication
IEA Annex XX: Comparison between calculations and measurements on a wind turbine in yaw in the NASA-Ames wind tunnel
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 2-10-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--07-072 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
71 Download PDF  

This report describes a study in which calculational results from ECN’s aeroelastic code PHATAS and the free wake lifting line code AWSM are compared with measurements which were performed by NREL on a wind turbine, placed in the large NASA-Ames wind tunnel. Measurements have been taken at a large variety of conditions but in this report only data at yawed conditions are considered. An important advantage of the present measurements is formed by the wind tunnel environment, which provides a very constant and homogeneous yaw angle and wind speed. The study was carried out within the framework IEA Annex XX ’Analysis of NASA-Ames wind tunnel measurements’.

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