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ECN publication
Kan het beter? Review van de taakgroep ENINA van de Emissieregistratie
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 18-12-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--08-047 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
29 Download PDF  

This report presents the process and conclusions of a review process performed on the ENINA task force within the Dutch Emission Registration (ER). The review consisted of interviews with users of the emission data in the ER and of two sample checks of specific greenhouse gas emission calculation methods (for waste incineration and from other industrial gases). Since the interviews did not give any specific reason for further detailed investigation, the review was focussed on the process within ENINA itself.

Although envisaged from the outline of the review, no clear points for improvement or simplification of the current process could be identified. However some elements in the emission calculation process seemed redundant, like separate t-1 and t-2 emission estimates, determination of complementary emissions to the individual ones as well as total emission level estimates and a double checking of the data in the individual environmental reports. It became clear that for each of these points, valid reasons exist why they occur and hence there is no justification to reduce them. Technically the ENINA process proved to be sound and efficient, but on the communication - both internal as external - and documentation side improvements are certainly possible. For instance, reference documents or calculation factors are not always available and the used Protocols are not always up to date, complete or consistently reported. With small efforts, this could be brought on the same high level as with which the emission calculations take place.

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