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ECN publication
Groen gas voor de transportsector. Fysiek of virtueel?
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 25-8-2010
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--10-054 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
36 Download PDF  

For the department of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM), ECN investigated the possible policy option to require a minimum share of renewable gas for the suppliers of gas (CNG) to this sector. A Dutch certification system could offer the opportunity to allow the suppliers to purchase the renewable gas using certificates which represent produced renewable gas (to be sold as ‘virtual green gas’). This is not in line with current emission accounting standards, and will have several consequences. To avoid undesired interaction between the European obligation for renewable energy in the transport sector and the current Dutch subsidy mechanism for the production of renewable gas, additional measures are needed in case renewable gas is used in (or allocated to) the transport sector. This report did not evaluate the value and cost effectiveness of CNG for the transport sector. However, in case the sector is already using CNG, allowing ‘virtual green gas’, this option seems to be able to compete with liquid biofuels. As long as there is sufficient CNG-sales and green gas production, this option offers the fuel suppliers, a very cost effective option to meet their European obligation. If the costs of the infrastructure and the cars are included, it is not clear whether the option is still attractive from a national perspective. Besides the Dutch context, this report concludes with a number of (inter-)national perspectives, which demonstrate that the allocation of produced green gas to the transport sector with the use of certificates, has some serious side effects that should be considered carefully before adjusting the current allocation mechanisms.

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