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ECN publication
EOSLT Consortium Biomass Co-firing- WP 4: Biomass co-firing in oxy-fuel combustion
Glazer, M.P.; Bertrand, C.I.; Fryda, L.E.; Jong, W. de
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental Research 24-11-2010
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--10-077 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
34 Download PDF  

An ash deposition modelling study based on the experimental results presented in Part I of this report is presented using the Ash Deposition Predictor (ADP) developed and implemented jointly by TUDelft and ECN. The numerical simulations were performed to answer open questions related to the deposition phenomena for coal and biomass blends and to illustrate any differences between atmospheric combustion conditions and the oxy-fuel combustion. The input data for the model were the series of deposition tests performed under atmospheric and oxyfuel conditions carried out at ECN, described in Part I. During the code validation step, the ADP tool predicted higher deposition ratios for higher viscosity values, in line with literature findings. In addition, the higher calculated fouling index for the lignite coal and blends and as a result the higher fouling propensity are in agreement with the simulation results and the experimental findings for these fuels. A sensitivity analysis on selected code parameters revealed the influence of the PSD on the results generated by the code and in specific on the deposition ratios. The calculations are sensitive to the particle size (PSD) of the collected ashes. In was finally concluded that increased deposition ratios were predicted by the ADP under oxyfuel conditions in comparison to the standard air combustion conditions, while all the other parameters (PSD, viscosity) were kept constant. This result is in agreement with the observed experimental results. However further research is still needed in this respect in (1) further developing the code and (2) the validation of the code.

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