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ECN publication
IQS - Internationale Quick Scan Duurzame Mobiliteit
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-12-2010
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--10-093 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
91 Download PDF  

For the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management (V&W), ECN provided a quick scan of the current activities outside The Netherlands on sustainable mobility. The main focus was on road transport. The quick scan focused on four policy areas:

  • Climate and Energy (Klimaat en Energie).
  • Air Quality (Luchtkwaliteit).
  • Noise (Geluid).
  • Nature and Soil (Natuur en Bodem).

For these four policy areas the report contains an overview of the relevant policies, the (public/private) initiatives, the involved organizations and the relevant research activities. The main focus is on the European context and developments of (surrounding) countries at the national level. It focuses mainly on the current situation. For each policy area also the relevant (mainly European) policy developments for the coming years are provided. All this information is relevant for the Ministry as, in general, policies and research activities on the national level should be aligned with international developments, to assure cost effectiveness of measures; especially for the area of sustainable mobility for which many policy areas are tightly connected to international developments.

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