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ECN publication
Technical description THRIVE GHG model
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 7-12-2010
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--10-104 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
30 Download PDF  

As part of the long term research program EOS, a Dutch research project was started to investigate plausible scenarios for a roll-out of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCEV) and a corresponding infrastructure: THRIVE (‘Towards a Hydrogen Refuelling Infrastructure for VEhicles’). A simulation model delivers, for a number of scenarios, projections for the number of FCEV’s on the Dutch market. The THRIVE greenhouse gas module quantifies the effect on the related Well-to-Wheel emissions for these THRIVE scenarios. This report describes the so-called THRIVE GHG module. As the impact on the emissions will depend on a number of assumptions, several comparisons are made against different background developments. Especially the assumptions around vehicle efficiency development towards 2050, the development of the Well-to-Wheel emissions of the involved fuels and the mix of production routes will be relevant. Finally, the relative emission reductions are presented, including the effect for the total passenger car fleet for the THRIVE scenarios.

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