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ECN publication
Kolencentrales Eemshaven - Dwingende redenen openbaar belang. Antwoorden op vragen van het Ministerie van EL&I
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-7-2011
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--10-106 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
42 Download PDF  

In the Eemshaven, in the northern part of the Netherlands, two coal-fired power plants are under construction. To show the extent to which these power plants contribute to Dutch energy policy intentions, the Ministry of Economy Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation has asked ECN Policy Studies to provide answers as to the contribution of the new coal power plants to: 1) Long-term energy security of supply, and fuel diversification in the electricity mix, 2) Reliability in meeting peak electricity demand, also in extreme situation such as no wind energy availability, 3) Reductions in the use of primary fossil energy and emissions for CO2 and air quality emissions like NOx SO2 and particulate matter, 4) The transition to a climate neutral energy system, 5) The affordability of the electricity production, reflected in the wholesale electricity market prices in the Netherlands. The information is to be used as input for a procedure in the licensing process based on the situation as known at the end of 2008. In particular, the various outlook studies by ECN, PBL, CPB, with a time horizon up to 2040, and the TenneT studies in the years 2005-2008 form an essential source of information. In addition, the analysis draws upon the experience and judgment of the ECN staff involved.

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