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ECN publication
Emissies van houtstook door huishoudens
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 11-4-2012
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--12-011 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
52 Download PDF  

On request of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the unit Policy Studies of the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands wrote a report on the emissions of wood combustion installations in households in the Netherlands and emission reduction policies in the surrounding countries. Although most houses in the Netherlands are heated with natural gas, about 20% of the households also have a wood burning installation: about 50% are open fireplaces; 15% are insert installations and 35% are wood stoves. Only a limited number of central heating boilers are fired by wood in the Netherlands. In recent years the number of wood stoves increased. Open fireplaces have a very low efficiency (10%), but they are not only used for temporary heating; they also have a social function. Of the 12 PJ of wood that is burned every year, about 25% is burned in open fire places and 50% in wood stoves. The efficiency of wood stoves has increased from 55% in 1990 to 75% in 2009. New stoves and inserts can realize efficiencies of 74 to 84% and can meet the German DINplus standards. The long life of the applications constitutes a problem. As a result, new emission limits will only penetrate slowly and emissions in 2020 will not be much lower than in 2010.

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