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ECN publication
Evaluatie Besluit emissie-eisen middelgrote stookinstallaties
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 21-6-2013
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--13-025 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
170 Download PDF  

In April 2010 the Dutch decree on emission limit values (ELVs) on medium-sized combustion installations (In Dutch: Bems - Besluit emissie-eisen middelgrote stookinstallaties milieubeheer) entered into force. New installations have to comply with the ELVs of Bems immediately. For the existing installations there is a transitional period until 2017 or 2019. Bems sets ELVs for NOx, SO2, PM and CxHy. In 2013 the Bems legislation was transferred to the Activities Decree (In Dutch: Ab - Activiteitenbesluit). At the same time the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) was implemented in the Ab. At the time Bems entered into force, it was decided to evaluate this legislation in 2014. Due to incorporation of Bems and the implementation of the IED in the Ab, it was decided to perform this evaluation a year earlier, thereby enabling the consideration of several stakeholders’ comments on these implementations. This report presents the main conclusions of this evaluation.

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