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ECN publication
Refinery Emissions from a Competitive Perspective
Plomp, A.J.; Kroon, P.; Mozaffarian, M.; Barry, Ch.; McAlpine, I
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 10-3-2015
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--15-003 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
113 Download PDF  

The Netherlands Petroleum Industry Association (VNPI) engaged ECN and Wood Mackenzie to assess the effect of future emissions legislation on the economics and competitive position of the Dutch refining industry. Environmental measures may be implemented due to potential stringent policies. Scenario analysis has been used to assess the cost burden of potential stringent measures. The results have been put into the context of global and European developments, which are relevant for the refining sector. An extensive inventory of relevant legislation has been made as well, together with a comparison of relevant competing regions. Although the Dutch refining sector is currently a front-runner with respect to environmental performance, stringent environmental measures have been identified that will lead to further emission reductions. The cost burden associated with these stringent measures will have a marked impact on the competitiveness of the Dutch refining sector, resulting in lower aggregated refining gross and net margins, and a decrease in the industry's 'added value' for the Netherlands. This may ultimately reduce the attractiveness of operating or investing within the sector and may increase the risk of refinery closure.

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