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ECN publication
Kostenefficiëntie van beleidsmaatregelen ter vermindering van broeikasgasemissies
Daniëls, B.W.; Koelemeijer, R.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 8-4-2016
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--15-060 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
195 Download PDF  

In 2015 the Dutch Cabinet has requested an investigation regarding the cost-efficiency of climate policies, which has been carried out by the IBO-working group consisting of representatives of several ministries (finance, economic affairs, general affairs, infrastructure and the environment, and interior and kingdom relations). ECN and PBL have been asked by the IBO-working group to analyse the effects and costs of 34 policy measures that were selected by the IBO-working group. This report lays down the results of that analysis, and serves as a technical annex to the report of the IBO-working group itself. The selected policy measures involve both current and proposed policies, as well as options for future policies.

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