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ECN publication
Verkenning Energie-functionaliteit Energie Eilanden Noordzee
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 14-12-2017
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--17-064 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
50 Download PDF  

This report presents the results of a study into the possibilities for the integration of large quantities of offshore wind energy on the North Sea, as projected for TenneT's 'Energy Island' concept, in the energy supply of the countries surrounding the North Sea. In addition to integration as electricity, the possibilities were explored for offshore conversion of wind energy to hydrogen, with transport to the coast via pipelines. Variants for both conversion in base load and conversion of oversupply have been analyzed in which possible production of hydrogen is compared with possible development of a demand for hydrogen from various applications. The results provide insight into the role that hydrogen can play in order to maximize the utilisation of the offshore wind energy potential. If a market for sustainable hydrogen develops, offshore conversion appears to offer added value because of considerably lower investment costs for pipelines to the coast compared to electricity cables.

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