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ECN publication
Blue Bird
Aranda Almansa, G.; Bos, A.; Fryda, L.E.; Zandvoort, I. van; Waal, J.C. van der; Klink, G. van; Doorn, J. van; Lok, C.M.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass & Energy Efficiency 26-3-2018
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--18-027 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
79 Download PDF  

‘Blue Bird - Concomitant generation of energy and chemicals from biomass waste streams’ (5.4111) is a 2-year TKI innovation project financed by RVO (reference TEBE 115001) in which a number of technologies have been developed for the recovery of valuable compounds (BTX, ethylene) from gasification product gas in co-production schemes. The implementation of co-production allows the reduction of the production cost of bio-SNG by harvesting valuable compounds. Moreover, the production cost can be further reduced if low-cost biomass residues are used as feedstock (as the humins considered in this project). The co-production technologies studied include liquid absorption for bio-BTX harvesting, adsorption for the capture of bio-ethylene, and catalytic conversion of ethylene to aromatics (reactive separation). Moreover, the thermochemical valorization of humins (a by-product from Avantium’s YXY biorefinery process for sugar conversion into chemicals) has also been assessed in this project. The research and development work was complemented with a market analysis and environmental impact assessment (LCA). This report summarizes the main achievements of the project.

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