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ECN publication
Enkele korte analyses voor het Energierapport 2002
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-3-2002
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--02-006 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
29 Download PDF  

This report contains four short analyses that were requested by theDutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. These analyses were performed to answer a diverse set of specific questions in support of the Energy Report 2002, a strategy document for Dutch energy policy that was released in February 2002. The presented analyses cover answers for the following four questions:

  1. How does the recent rate of energy efficiency improvement compare to other countries in Western Europe?
  2. What is the cost for the Netherlands if additional CO2 emission reduction in 2010 would be required? What are the contributions of the different options (energy savings, renewable energy) and the different sectors to emission reduction?
  3. What are new insights with respect to fossil fuel reserves?
  4. How was the own fuel supply situation in 1960 and 1970 in the Netherlands and Western Europe and how does it compare to the current situation.

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